Wednesday, September 9, 2009

bells and mack

A thread between Bella Lynne Fletcher and her best friend Heather Mckenzie Jackson. Obviously, Heather's drunk, and Bella's trying to be a good friend, but she fails at that anyway, so instead she indulges in the funness xD

Bella shrugged into her sweater and grabbed her purse. For once, she was in the superhero position, and she didn't know how in the hell she'd gotten there. She would much rather be the one needing saving. Tonight, though, it was her friend Heather who needed to be saved, and it was bad. Hearing the tell tale jingle of Pink's So What, Bella pulled her phone from her pocket and flipped it open. A message appeared on the blaring screen, making Bella walk faster.


Head shaking, Bella walked down the hall and past the front doorman. The parking lot outside was lit up, and Heather's dorm was only minutes away but no way in hell was she going to walk

there. There could be lurkers ... and she was pretty ... and the last thing a drunk Heather needed was her saviour getting kidnapped. She walked quickly to the car, her boots clicking against the pavement, and got in. As she pulled out, her phone rang again, and she flipped it open.

Bella groaned, and continued driving, while giving a half hearted attempt to write back. Before she could finish the text, however, she received a new one, and her phone buzzed to alert her to the fact.


Bella's curls shook with her head, and she pulled into the parking lot that matched Heather's dorm. She screeched to a stop, pulled out her keys, locked and closed the door, and made a mad dash for the front entrance. The doorman held the door open for her and she pushed the button of the elevator, which opened immediately, and she stepped in and pressed the number three. The elevator whizzed up, and Bella watched as it counted the numbers. The moment the doors parted, she rushed out and down the hall, toward the room she knew was Heather's. As soon as she stopped before it, she banged twice, then twisted the knob and let herself inside.

tagged for :: heather
wearing ::xxx
listening to :: paper planes; mia

The floor was starting to feel cold to her legs but Heather at the moment sincerely lacked the energy to move. She felt too giddy with her back and head arched and leaning against the mattress to worry about the cold that was beginning to spread to her lower body. Her blackberry storm was held high above her face and her shoulders also couldn't even bother to feel the pain at being there for so long. It was the only way the girl could function at the moment because if she tried to sit up her head would spin and she would tumble to the ground. It happened before which is why she was sitting on the cold floor to begin with. She had been on her way to get some sweats to put on after undressing but before making it to the dresser she tripped and fell. So after that Heather decided that she would stay there and since there was nothing to do on the floor from her position and with her inebriated state, playing with the phone seemed like the next best thing. First came the pictures then... the sending of the picture then the chaos. But it wasn't really chaos, besides the occasional brain lapse where she didn't know what in the hell to say to Eli since she was so happy that he was talking to her. Bella had been writing her also but the girl disappeared after saying she was coming over. Heather saw no reason for it, she did drink a little but it wasn't as if she needed a babysitter. Bella was being completely dramatic which was funny since she was the acting student.

The phone beeped and vibrated indicated a new text message and Heather checked it immediately. It seemed like forever since Eli last wrote her even though it was only some minutes apart, she was just much too anxious to feel like being patient and the alcohol in her system wasn't doing a great job of stopping that. She browsed through the inbox and gave a loud happy giggle to herself at reading the message.

Haha, I don't scare that easily. xD
Wyndham Hotel?
Sounds fancy. I'll definitely try to be there.
I'm always down for a decent party. Esp if you'll be there. ; )
Just wear clothing, lmfao. JK.

She grinned feeling the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach, either that or the alcohol was wanting its revenge, and was unable to hide more giggles and the blush at reading the message over and over... and over. He winked at her! though it was over text it still counted for something! so she was extremely happy and already she begun to write back. Again she was lacking words to say so the girl wrote the first thing that came to mind and with a joyous laugh at the drunken attempt of flirting she clicked send. She turned sideways and positioned herself to lean against the bed some more as she continued staring at the touch screen until he could send her another reply. Heather inhaled trying to calm the fluttering in her stomach that made her feel like jumping up and down since the girl knew that if she tried to stand she would get hit with vertigo again. The phone beeped again and she was already turning to look at the message. Before she could find the right page to access there was a loud knock on the door and she straightened up instantly out of instinct. It was a bad thing to do because her head started spinning and she had to grip the edge of the bed from being lightheaded.

When the feeling finally went away she could focus on the person who just walked in and it took her a couple of seconds to realize it was Bella. Then it was "BELLA!" a loud happy giggling scream from the girl at seeing her friend and she was already forcing herself off of the floor. Pulling on energy that she didn't even know she had until she stood and ran barefoot across the room and towards her friend. Luckily she didn't fall but managed to hold on her to spinning friend with a tight hug for support. "Bella look Eli wrote me" She pulled away from her friend barely and tried to focus on handling the phone so that she wouldn't fall forward or backwards again. A grin was on her lips and again the feeling like jumping returned full force even if she was having difficulty finding the text. "Look" She giggled again finally finding the inbox and pushing the screen forward towards her friend's vision. "He wrote me and he's coming to my party and he liked my picture"

The first thing Bella saw the moment she opened the door was Heather sitting straight against her bed, her cell phone dimming in her hand. It took a moment for Bella to realize that the girl was half naked, and for Heather to realize that Bella hadn't been joking about coming to her rescue. From then on, it was absolute chaos. An incredibly loopy, loud, and unbalanced Heather pushed herself off the floor and came spirally toward Bella, who had only a second to brace for the impact before Heather had flung herself about her friend, and was proceeding to shove her Blackberry into Bella's face. 'BELLA LOOK ELI WROTE ME' the girl squealed as she pulled away from her friend. Bella could barely even register the words on the screen, and she was starting to get a bit dizzy from all the turning around. She tried her best to hold her friend up and at the same time give some attempt at a stationary position, and she pushed the phone gently away from her face.

'LOOK', Heather insisted, and she pushed the phone back into Bella's face, bumping her nose slightly. 'HE WROTE ME AND HE'S COMING TO MY PARTY AND HE LIKED MY PICTURE!''Just wear clothing?!?!?' she cried. 'Heather! You didn't!' She tugged on the phone a bit, but it wasn't budging. 'Heather. Give. Me. The. Phone' she said through gritted teeth as she tried to pry the mobile from the girl's fingers. Pushing one hand against the girl's shoulder, she pulled on the phone and ended up sprawled halfway across the room. But at least she had the phone.

Bella pushed herself up and brushed her mangled hair out of her face. She couldn't tell if Heather was screaming at her or what, but manic bursts of laughter were flying from her lips, and she looked positively crazy. Shaking her head, Bella ran a hand through her hair and pulled up the last message sent from the Eli guy. She pounded the message out then pushed send, and chucked the phone into her purse.

Bella grabbed her friend's hand a tried to hold the phone steady so she could read. Her gaze registered the words in seconds, and upon reading the last sentence, she clamped Heather's arms by her side, did what she could to get her over to the bed and gripped her hand over the phone.
Please ignore her - she's drunk. B.

'You aren't getting that back', she said beneath her breath. She walked over to Heather's closet and pulled out a terry cloth robe, then threw it at the giggling girl. 'Put that on - do you even realize you are halfway naked?' she asked sardonically. Muttering to herself, Bella pulled a half empty bottle of vodka from between the sheets. 'That is all you drank?!?' she asked, laughing. She plopped down next to the brunette and took a swig. 'You seriously need to learn how to hold your liquor.'

It took a lot of drunken concentration to attempt to stand still and still if felt like she was standing on the edge of her toes and about to tip over. It would have been easier if Bella would have just cooperated and looked at the phone like Heather wanted her too but the girl's head was still spinning so wildly. She tried to inhale and keep a grip on her friend to share in her excitement but if felt like her legs wouldn't stop moving. She didn't have any balance and now that she was walking around the floor felt cold underneath her feet. She frowned staring down at the cement and try to steady her footing even if it felt like she was standing sideways. There was an intense pain on her arm that caused her to jerk backwards and Heather looked up with confusion at Bella who had a hell grip on her arm. It caused her pain so she tried pulling away but it didn't work, when did Bella ever get stronger then her. "Let gooooo" She whined and it came out slurred since she wasn't using her extra happy energy to speak like she was doing when she had excited. She fell on the bed and bounced and hadn't even realize that she was forced to walk to the mattress until Bella was trying to pull the phone from her. Heather pulled back because she wasn't going to release it since Eli was going to write back.

'Heather. Give. Me. The. Phone' Bella spoke sounding angry and Heather shook her head no. She tried looking mad but making the expression just became too hilarious and she ended up laughing and falling back on the bed when Bella pulled the phone and fell on the ground. Heather grinned unable to stop the laughter and giggles that fell from her lips as she tried to stop moving on the bed to balance and go to her friend. Her hand moved to cover her face and the loud laughter that she couldn't stop whenever she tried to stand up from the bed but ended up spinning and leaning on her side with a lack of energy. "oh my god oh my god" she managed through her fit as she tried to regain her breath and turn her attention towards Bella who was walking towards her closet. In a minute ago the girl had her phone and now it was missing. Heather sat up in the bed quickly and her eyes narrowed as she gave a look around the room. "Hey Bella where's my phone" She pushed off the bed, hanging on to the mattress to keep from tumbling over and landing on the floor as she looked on the bed for the phone. It was nowhere to be seen and now she was worried because she didn't get to see what Eli said. What if he thought she was ignoring him? "BELLA" She shouted because the girl was ignoring her and taking stuff from her closet. "I can't find my phone and Eli's message" she caught the robe that the girl threw and ended up back sitting on the bed.

"I'm not naked..." Heather frowned looking down at herself and realizing she really was just in her underwear. Well that would explain why she was getting cold. She put the robe on and managed to get it tangled around her arm before she could open it fully and wrap it around herself, then the problem returned and she turned to look at Bella who was drinking from the bottle of vodka. "Where did you put my phone? he's going to think i'm ignoring him Bella then he won't like me anymore and its going to be all of your fault and i'll be really mad" Heather rambled on and some of the words ended up merged together while others sounded perfect. She tried standing up again and balanced on the bed with a hand so that she could look again for her phone. She was sure that Bella had it.

Bella rolled her eyes and took an other swig of vodka. The force was strong with this one - and she was going to need the vodka. 'BELLLLAAAAAAAAAAA', the girl shouted. 'I CAN'T FIND MY PHONE AND ELI'S MESSAGE' Bella giggled - Heather said this as if the phone and message were two completely different things, and maybe, just maybe, she'd hidden them in two different places. 'I'm not naked ...' Brows raised, Bella gave Heather one look and tipped her head back. Make that a lot of vodka.

Heather continued on, questions falling from her lips in a mix of perfectly understandable English and a language native to some village in the middle of Asia. 'Do not worry about a thing', Bella said as she pulled her feet under her. 'I texted him and told him you liked him very much, but you had to get a shower. You can talk to him later, I promise' She shook her head as the brunette tried to stand - she looked like a complete imbecile and better be happy later that Bella wasn't taking more pics and sending them to people.

'Heather, sit down', Bella cried over the girl's loud garbling. 'You're going to hurt yourself in a way that won't prove to be comfortable if you get to have sex with Eli.' Yeah, sure use Eli as a treat. Bella pulled off her coat and dropped it to the floor, then pulled Heather's phone from her purse and flipped through the options. She found the photo album and immediately a picture of Heather, legs and arms wrapped around her pink fluffy comforter, appeared on the screen.

Bella tilted her head as she looked at the picture. 'Well, at least you can't see anything private ... and you're hot, so we're halfway through damage control' she mused. There was still the whole issue of why her friend was drunk though. The thought made her pause and arch her brows at Heather. 'Wait a second ... did you get drunk so you could get up the courage to send this to him?' Head shaking, she turned the phone off, keeping it clear out of Heather's reach. 'Next time you want to get drunk, you should call me first ...'

It wasn't on the bed, unless it was under the sheets or Bella was sitting on it. She held on to the sheets tightly feeling the ground shift and flip upside down under her and she almost lost her feeling. Why couldn't she stop spinning, it was getting to be such a pain in the ass and Bella just sat there with her bottle and was drinking as if the most important thing in the world wasn't happening right now. She stepped forward some trying to disentangle the robe from around her lower half because now it felt like the thing was trying to suffocate her, she liked being cold a lot more then this. "headache..." Heather whined under her breath with a frown and brought her hand to her hair to brush away the pieces that were falling all over her face and making her feel annoyed. 'I texted him and told him you liked him very much, but you had to get a shower. She heard her friend say but after that stopped listening and was grinning wildly as she approached her. "What did he say?" Heather asked loudly and trying to keep from slumping on to the floor. "You told him I was in the shower?" She giggled falling back on the at the command and crawling until she could lay somewhat on her side and be able to face her friend.

"Oh my god Bella do you think he was thinking of me in the shower?" She broke down into giggles as soon as the words left her mouth because she couldn't help it. Now Eli thought she was naked in the shower. Heather laughed some more covering her face with her hand as she crawled on the bed to lay next to her friend and lean against her arms."Bella oh my god what if he thinks we're doing stuff in the shower" Her eyes went wide and she broke out into a grin and put her face into the comforter to hold in the giggles and try to breathe. "Do you think he likes that? He's really quiet... i cant tell... we should ask him" She looked up new resolve and stared at Bella who was looking at the phone. Her eyebrows narrowed wondering when the girl found the phone since she didn't move from the bed. did you get drunk so you could get up the courage to send this to him?' Heather shook her head no and reached forward for the phone before it was pulled away. "No I was just drinking and..." She trailed off because the rest of the sentence couldn't come to her. She laughed at Bella's words because the girl was being funny and pushed back on the bed until she could bring her legs under her.

"Hey Bella asks him if he likes us in the shower" Heather couldn't stop the giggles from forming again and pushed her hair from the face deciding that she needed an answer. "give me and I'll ask him" She reached forward trying to maneuver around her friend and the bottle of vodka to get to the phone.

Bella took an other swig and sat Indian style, all the while keeping her gaze on Heather, who was busy pitching to and fro atop her mattress, and she couldn't seem to find any purchase on the slip and slide sheets. 'WHAT DID HE SAY?' wailed Heather, her voice still miles above the normal pitch. 'YOU TOLD HIM I WAS IN THE SHOWER?' Bella nodded resolutely and grinned as Heather burst into a fit of giggles. The girl crawled till she was somewhat comfortable and somehow facing Bella, her arms now free of the fluffy robe that had supposedly been acosting her of sorts. 'OH MY GOSH BELLA DO YOU THINK HE WAS THINKING OF ME IN THE SHOWER?!?'

Eyes rolling, Bella laughed out loud. 'Yes, he is definitely thinking of you naked and wet and probably hoping you're thinking all about him too', she drawled. Plopping down on top of the mangled comforter, Bella pulled a pillow into her arms and leaned on it. She took an other gulp of the vodka, which she nearly spit out at Heather's next words. 'Do you think he likes that? He's really quiet ... I can't tell ... we should ask him', she said, all worried and looking at Bella pointedly. 'Then what will you tell him if you actually talk to him and he expects details?' she queried as she reached back to pull off her heels.

'Hey Bella asks him if he likes us in the shower', Heather suggested between her giggles. 'Give me and I'll ask him.' Now it was Bella's turn to giggle hysterically. 'Oh no you don't - you aren't getting this phone' she said. 'There's no telling what you'll do with it.' She held the phone away, and at the same time tried to keep the vodka from spilling. 'Heather. Get. Off.' she said as she pushed herself close to the edge of the bed. 'Oh what the hell!'

There was no sense in it - if Heather was being an idiot at least she was doing it with supervision. Sitting up, Bella flipped the phone open. 'Fine, fine back off dear Lord!' she cried. She turned to the screen and settled back down, all the while typing in the message. Once she was done, she shoved the phone into Heather's face. 'Try and read that', she said, giggling. 'Dear Lord, you can't rely on me for anything can you?'

Heather wants to know if you'd like us in the shower. B.

'Then what will you tell him if you actually talk to him and he expects details?' Heather couldn't stop her laughter because now she was thinking of him actually wanting to know. Eli didn't seem like that type but he was a guy so why not. "Then we'd get in the shower""Come on give me" She was laughing because it was funny that she felt so weak even while she was trying to go across Bella to get to the phone. The open bottle was pushing against her stomach and felt cold but it matter cause she didn't stop but kept trying to move around it. Stupid Bella and her being sober and still. 'Fine, fine back off dear Lord!' Heather grinned and moved to sit back with a lot of effort as she watched Bella send the message.

Soon the phone was in her face and too close so that it looked blurry and she had to hold on to the other's hand to be able to read it.

Heather spoke with a loud giggle and covered her mouth because her head felt like it was spinning again. She grinned once the laughter died down and decided that she really wanted to know, it was either text him or go knock on his door to find out. He wasn't that far away but she couldn't walk right now she she needed her phone back.
Heather wants to know if you'd like us in the shower. B.

Heather broke out into a laugh and held on to the phone. "oh my god I can't believe you wrote that" Her hand covered her mouth then move to push her hair out of her face as she looked at her friend in shock. "Bella oh my god what if he says he wants to know what we're doing" She broke out into laughter again and lie back with her head against the pillows and eyes staring at the ceiling that was turning around and around. "Oh my god Bella tell him you didn't mean it" Heather spoke loudly into a scream and attempted to sit up again only to fall back. So she turned on her front instead so that she could hold her head up then she heard the phone beep and tried crawling towards Bella to get to it. She managed to get a hold on the girl's hand again to look at the message that flashed on the screen as a reply from Eli.

Hmm, personally, I don't find anything sensual about showers, B.
But maybe if I knew what you looked like, I could make an assessment.

It took about five tries for the girl to be able to finally be able to read it then she let go of Bella's hand with a grin and loud giggle. "He even types sexy Bella" she laughed and buried her face into the pillow to breathe again. "ask him if he wants a picture of us" she spoke but the words came out a muffled mess because her face was buried in the pillow. She pulled her head up suddenly when another idea hit, with eyes narrowed she turned to look at her friend. "Hey... how come I don't have a nickname" Heather spoke with a pout and frowned. "He wrote B. I want a nickname too. OOOO tell him, tell him that if he gives me a nickname I'll give him another picture." Heather grinned then laughed loving her plan and tried sitting back again but decided to just lean forward on her arms instead. "Hurry up tell him"

Bella stared at Heather, her brows raised. It was like watching Wheel of Fortune and a drunken and slow Heather was mentally flipping the letters like Vanna White. 'Then we'd get in the shower', she said, and then giggles continued to spill from her mouth as if she'd just thought of something that would break the sound barrier. However, Bella could only stare before she finally gathered her bottom lip back to her jaw. 'Chyea, like that's going to happen' she said sarcastically. She wasn't positive, but if she had to place a bet, Bella was pretty sure Heather didn't know what she was talking about.

Bella wasn't really good at this 'drunken friend supervision' thing. She was halfway between getting Heather into the shower - on her own - and, well, bunkering down and joining in the fun boy teasing stuff. 'Oh my gosh I can't believe you wrote that' cried Heather as she held the phone steady. 'Bella oh my gosh what if he says he wants to know what we're doing', she asked, her eyes widening before she continued her laughter.

'OH MY GOSH BELLA TELL HIM YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT.' Bella pulled her head away and winced - the girl was practically screaming. Before she could say anything, the phone began to beep, and suddenly Heather was clambering next to her and gripping her hand. Bella glared at Heather, then scooted closer so she could see the screen too. 'He even types sexy, Bella' Heather said airily, and then her head was down like an ostrich. 'Ask him if he wants a picture of us.'

Bella tipped the bottle back once more, and emptied the rest of the vodka into her mouth. Dropping the bottle on the floor, Bella lay back against the pillows and began to pick at the holes in her pants. This was getting a little out of hand, and she was probably the worst person to be 'supervising' a drunken girl. 'Hey ... how come I don't have a nickname?' complained Heather, her lips forming into a little pout. 'He wrote B. I want a nickname too.' Bella could practically see the light bulb flash above Heather's head. 'Heather, he called me B because I wrote B when I texted him', she explained.

'Heather, I am sure after everything is said and done you'll get your own special, unique nickname', Bella said as she pushed her hair out of her face. She held the phone out far enough away that it could get her in the frame and clicked; the flash lit the room for a second then she rolled over onto her stomach and grinned at Heather. 'Now he knows I don't look like a freak' she said. 'Do you really want me to tell him you want a nickname? I'm almost afraid of what he'd give you.'

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