Wednesday, September 9, 2009

bells and mitchell

i met somebody cute and bonny
got each other and that's funny
Bella made her way through the dance building, her duffle swinging in one hand and her soft shoes in the other. It was about the end of the day, and classes were winding down - she couldn't wait to leave campus. Not that she really had anything at all to do, but even so she was ready to get away from the linoleum flooring and fluorescent lights. She'd replaced her soft shoes with flats and pulled an oversized sweater on over her tights and leotard; her mass of curls was still damp from her afternoon shower. A smile creased her lips as she neared the entry hall, and she took a glance through the windows of the first practice room.

A tall, male dancer stood shuffling through his own duffle, barebacked and glistening with the sheen of a fresh sweat. Bella's head tilted, and her grin stretched wider as her gaze ran along the tightened muscles of his legs and hips; his bent profile was firm and pale, and his closely shorn curls were a fiery red. Mitchell Colburn. Bella's tongue ran against her lip as she hesitated between leaving for the dorms and staying to talk to the senior dancer. Her outgoing side won over, though, as it usually did, and she pushed the handle to let herself in.

In the long mirror that ran the wall opposite, Bella got a clear view of Mitchell's ass. Her heart skipped a little beat. Damn, he just had good 'everything' form. She walked up to him, swung her soft shoes back a bit, and smacked them against his butt. 'Hey, tiger', she said with a devilish grin. She could smell him from where she was standing, and it was making her heart clammer a little. 'You still practicing?' she asked. 'Maybe you should take a break'. She see sawed her shoulders a little bit, as if this might be the funnest thing anyone could have mentioned. Well, she hoped it sounded fun - this was Bella after all. She was loads of fun.

tagged for :: mitchell <3>wearing ::xxxxx
listening to :: time to pretend; mgmt

mitchell <<<
Mitchell moved through the blast of cold Chicago wind and into the double doors of the Dance hall, moving through the double doors of the practice room of his first class for the day. He was wearing a white tee shirt a pair of black tights, it was the standard uniform for the class, luckily they weren’t going to make him wear the stupid leotard that he would likely have to wear at the end of the year in the workshop production. He loved what he did, he loved Ballet and he was good at it, but he just didn’t understand why there weren’t more fashionable and less homosexual clothing to be worn. Yes, Mitchell was straight even though he was dominated by a gay industry. His blond curls sat atop his head as he peeled off the jacket had had been wearing, the track pants following while he slipped on the flats over his feet. The class started out with stretching, his leg extended on the wooden bar as he stretched over, feeling the slight burn of the muscles in his body. Of course, it was the start of the year, and he had refrained form dancing all summer, so his muscles weren’t as loose as they probably could have been.

Before he could let his thoughts wander much more, he felt a slight tap on his ass and voice that he could pick out anywhere. The girl was one that had caught his eye the first day they had class together. Mitchell noticed dancing before he noticed features, and her dancing was something he wanted to see more of, and luckily they had the class together so he could watch all year. A small smile crept along his lips as he turned to her, his accent heavy as he spoke. ”Bella…” his small smile soon turned into a wide gren, a hand moving to the blond curls to push them away from his face. ”Havent you heard? I havent practiced all summer, Im out of shape. I need all the practicing I can get.” he leaned against the wooden bar, letting a small laugh slip through is red lips as he finished.

His eyes caught hers, looking up along her features, her collar bone, her neck, the curve of her nose and her high cheek bones. She was beautiful, and she looked exactly like a dancer should. He bit his lower lip momentarily. ”Mm.. but I suppose a break is due. Did you have something in mind?” he asked, lacing his hands together and bringing his eyes back to hers. Of course, for a brief moment, his mind wandered to what he could be doing to her behind closed doors, but they were both in the same class… there were boundaries that he couldn’t cross. Fraternizing with people in your class was never a good thing. They had seen it numerous times before, two people dating or sleeping together, then screwing up the whole class because they would need to rearrange partners. He winced slightly. He didn’t want to cause any sort of discourse in the class, or with Bella… but he still couldn’t help but indulge in the mindless fantasy of her between his sheets.

i met somebody cute and bonny
got each other and that's funny
    Bella's smile mirrored Mitchell's as he stood; he didn't look altogether unhappy to see her. 'Bella ...' he said, his British accent thick. She gave a little laugh and felt her cheeks flood with colour. Damn it, if that accent didn't make her want to jump him right then and there. 'Haven't you heard?' he asked, pushing a stray curl out of his face. 'I haven't practiced all summer, I'm out of shape. I need all the practicing I can get.' Bella's brows arched, and looking him up and down, she rested her fists on her hips. 'Well ... you don't look out of shape.' She knew very well of course, that you could be out of shape and at the same time look incredible, but ... he just really didn't look out of shape at all. In fact, he looked very in shape, and she was really have a terribly difficult time keeping her eyes away from his chest, and that lovely area that began at his sternum and disappeared into his pants. Her gaze snapped back to Mitchell's face, and she flashed him a dimpled grin.

    Obviously, Bella wasn't the only one checking someone out, as Mitchell's own gaze wasn't exactly meeting her eyes. The fact made her feel a little better, and she would have given half of Chicago to know what he was thinking at that moment. 'Mmm .. but I suppose a break is due', said Mitchell, his gorgeous hands fiddling idly. He met her gaze with his; the full on look of those stony blue eyes made her die a little inside. 'Did you have something in mind?' Oh, she had plenty of things in mind, though she wasn't quite positive that any of those were smart things to do when you actually had feelings for a guy. The thought made her pause, and then wince a little, as she wasn't usually one to go falling for a guy, and usually things went better when you stayed friends with a little fun on the side. Or lots of fun anyway ...

    Shoving these thoughts away, Bella twisted her shoes in her hand and tried to think of something not sexual that they could do. This was proving to be harder than she thought though, so she ended up just calling out some things. 'Erm ... coffee? A walk? Movie? Snack? Uh ... I really really don't mind what we do', she rattled. Ugh, she could just feel

    her skin flushing red. It wasn't very like her to go stumbling around guys and she was halfway between pulling Mitchell along to her dorm ... or just down to the floor ... and actually trying to spend time with him. Deciding she was an absolute dolt, she just smiled and shrugged, leaving it open for him to decide what to do. And to be honest ... half of her wanted him to chuck all ideas and get down to business, but what the hell spending time together might be nice too.tagged for :: mitchell <3>wearing ::xxxxx
    listening to :: time to pretend; mgmt

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