Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fable 2 Trick ...

So a friend of mine told me about a 'cheat' of sorts he'd heard about pertaining to Fable 2. I thought I would post it here, in case anyone likes Fable 2 but doesn't like how long it initially takes to get money, or just feels like being lazy. I think you might also be able to use this trick with other games where you earn money over a certain period of time.

If you have xbox live, you will need to disconnect (not sign out, just disconnect, mind you!) for this to work. Make sure that when you do load your game with your gamertag, that live will not reconnect. I pulled the ethernet cord to do this, as I couldn't remember how to just disconnect through my system.

Okay. Go to 'system settings', then 'console settings', next 'clock', and then 'date and time'. Here you will change the date to a future date. What this does is make the game think that however much time has passed. Since you earn money every few minutes from houses you rent out or places of business you own, it will pay to you however much money you are owed. My friend told me that you can do a month ahead, and it will give you a month's worth of makings. Since I am both greedy and curious, I went ahead and set it as far ahead yearly as I could, and I made the year '2025'. You cannot go farther than that (I don't know if there's some secret thing about xbox's not being able to work beyond twenty years from now or if it is a precaution against machines overtaking the world, but you just can't).

Anyway, you load the game again (still disconnected!) and after a few minutes it should give you your payout. The more places you own in the game and receive money from, the more money you will be given every time you try this trick. Once you get the money, and are ready to leave the game, go back to the 'date and time' to reset your console's clock. I suggest changing it back to 2005 rather than 2009 if you are going to try this trick again before you reconnect to xbox live. It will give you four more years' worth of money than if you set the correct year.

The reason you have to disconnect from xbox live is that when you are connected, your clock is set to the correct time (thanks to those damn satelites up there). So, if it connects between when you change the time and when you load the game, it won't give you the money.

I hope this is easy to understand for everyone! Have fun!!!

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