Wednesday, August 12, 2009

victoria ...

So it is official ... Bryce Dallas Howard, who also plays my Aife, is going to be playing Victoria in Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight film series. To be perfectly honest, I abhorred Twilight, the first film, and thought they seriously exaggerated the drama from the books. BUT - it is Bryce Dallas Howard, whom I love, so of course I cannot wait! So now I have an excuse (unfortunately) to see not only the second film (come on - it's Jacob's book!) but also the third ... not that the films are going to be making any money off of me. I'll wait till they're available with my Blockbuster-Netflix-wanna-be subscription thingie. But yay! This means more pics of Bryce, and most likely vampire-ish pics as well!!! How awesome is that?

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