Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers :: Revenge of the Fallen



RATED :: 9.5 - can't get too much better than the first movie, and I'm certainly biased XD

JUST got back from seeing Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I really feel like going to bed now, and my teeth and eyes are hurting like they have been for a week now, but I really feel like if I do not write this now, I will lose it.

OMG let me start by just freaking out and raving! IT WAS SO COOL!!!! Seriously! I love Michael Bay - he is one of my favourite directors - go to see one of his films, and you are in for a wonderfully action packed, hydrogen bomb-esque special effects, as Dane Cook would say, 'Cinematic Adventure'. You guys - I just have to tell you. He is SO GOOD with effects - or his teams at least, but this guy has a special eye for it. He does a wonderful job of putting you in the midst of the action - it's his specialty. Some people do not like it, but whether you do or not, you have to hand it to him - he is an expert at it.

Okay aside from Michael Bay's exploits in special effects genius - I'll start with subjects. I don't know about you, but the picture of Megan Fox leaning over a bike like that is just what I need. No, seriously - sort of not in my whole basic girly 'I'm not near perfect enough' brain, but seriously I would so go lesbian for this girl. DUDE just look at her - *sigh*. Anyway, besides that, I don't know, I love the old cast. Sam's mum is even more manic than usual thanks to her baby leaving the nest for college, and oh does that provide quite a few giggles, to say the least. I love her - really, I do. She's hilarious, I'd love to be Mikaela just to get to watch Judy Witwiki's break downs. Sam's dad, on the other hand, has moved more into the protective husband place with all of Judy's increased shenanigans. He too is having trouble dealing with Sam's new college status, but is conveniently trying to communicate his feelings through explaining how and why Judy is acting the way she is. One common subject throughout the movie though is how neither Mikaela or Sam want to say those certain three words first.

So the Autobots are still on Earth, and there have been a few who have answered Optimus Prime's call - meet the three really cool 'female' motorcycles who are controlled by one conscious named Arcee. Initially, they were supposed to combine into one machine like Devastator does, but apparently that was dropped from the movie. Pretty cool though - she gets her own hollowgram and everything. Also new is Sideswipe, this really sexy Corvette Stingray - apparently a concept? I was incredibly syked to see that they kept Bonecrusher's rollerblading-like moves from the first movie and transfered them to Sidewipe - it's just a really cool and yet sensible effect.

You also get to meet Jolt, who's a Chevy Volt, and has these kind of whip things. Kind of a coincidence between Jolt/Volt, eh? Of course, one can't forget the twins - Mudflap and Skids. These two start out as an ice cream truck that looked like a teenager pimped them out - complete with side lettering that reads something like 'Suck my popsicle' ... yeah ... lmfao. They're really hyper characters, sort of little good-guy minions, but really good guys at the same time. I had a few qualms though - did they have to look so goofy? I don't know, I understand the whole making it known that these robotic aliens are just like humans, only more evolved - they have feelings, they have personalities - but if you can transform into something, like Mikaela graciously pointed out in the first one, why look like that? That's just me though. Otherwise, I really like their characters, and I love how Bumblebee kinda has to knock some sense into them lol.

There's two more - Jetfire and Wheelie. Jetfire is a more ancient Autobot who had been living on earth for centuries and acts like it too. He carries a cane and is old, cranky, and doesn't listen to a damn thing anyone is saying. Has character though, and plays a pretty important part in the film. Key - he's an ex Deceptacon - one of the ones from when some of the race began to realize this whole kill existence and bring the apocalypse Deceptacon bull was more shit than they cared to deal with. So he knows a lot of insider stuff and things that you'd need to know about the Deceptacons, including why the Deceptacons are coming back to Earth. Last but not least is Wheelie. When the appliances in Judy's kitchen are turned into bots, Wheelie is the one that survives. He's a blue radio-controlled toy monster truck, and has a load of attitude to boot. Initially, Wheelie serves the Deceptacons - I do not know if that is just because of the nature of the energy that changed him or if bots get immediate updates when transformed. Either way he gets caught by Mikaela and she trains him into being her 'pet bot' of sorts. You will have the pleasure of seeing Wheelie hump Mikaela's leg repeatedly, lol - if you can call that pleasure? He eventually sides with the Autobots.

Um, I do not want to give you many more spoilers, so that's about what I will be covering as far as anything with spoiler potential ... and also just because I am really tired, so you can look up the Deceptacons if you like lol. I loved everything, but I think the one thing that I had confusions about was just that, well, so many Deceptacons joined in the fight that it was hard to keep them all straight. Especially the 'Pillar Battle' (self titled, I think) where it was so hard to keep straight who was a Deceptacon and who was an Autobot. At one point I was actually like, 'Is that Ironhide or a Deceptacon?' I think it was mainly because some of the Deceptacons were in colour and some were their native grey shade, and same with the Autobots. Also - where was Barricade? I know Starscream got a new paintjob, but Barricade's sort of hard to miss - I didn't see him anywhere, which was sad because he's my favoutire Deceptacon and they mention him in the IMDB cast list ... Also, yeah I just hate Alice. That girl makes me sick. Megan Fox is sexy in a way that make girls and guys alike adore her - Isabel Lucas makes you want to snap her in half. Yuck.

Basically, great effects, great story line, great acting - I just think the comedy was a bit much, and they certainly upped the anty on maturity levels, which I really do not think they needed to do - especially when a lot of kids are probably going to be going to this movie. I mean, there was a father and son sitting in front of us and the kid was about twelve, and the dad had that look about him that said 'I didn't realize the movie would be like this, but I don't really want to pull him out either ...' And, the first movie's comedy was just really natural - in this one they were trying just a little bit.

Kk, so there it is - I am too tired to give anything else. I will probably think of more though, and if I do, I'll update. Definitely go see this movie - just make sure you empty your bladder and don't drink a thing though, because you won't want to get up for fear that you will miss something XD

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