Friday, April 17, 2009


How come school isn't as fun as I remembered it? Maybe it's that I don't see people - though I never really was one of those 'get to know your classmates' sort of people. I just did my work and talked to my friends and went through the day. All the normal stuff. I was really quiet though - a lot of people assumed I was a flipping genus because the only time I spoke was when I had the right answer, so however far into the semester they'd eventually ask me to be in their group or ask me what I thought about this or that. I hated that though. I loved assigned groups and partners. When the teacher said you could pick your own, I about had a panic attack. God forbid I get a group assignment online. Geez. I have no clue how that would turn out.

Btw ...
If you cook a Stouffer's lasagna in the oven, don't let it go too long - it gets mushy, and not a good kind of mushy mind you o.O

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