Monday, April 6, 2009


So I started graphic design school today. Woot AIO. Don't know who the mascot is, but whatever. I had to do an autobiography thingamabob. So here it is ...


My name is Ashton, and I live in Greenville, South Carolina. I have been here collectively for about two years, but I am originally from Charleston, South Carolina. Both locations are beautiful and well known to many, even as they are different as night and day. I graduated from one of the major rival public schools in Charleston, where I worked hard for the best grades possible, and exceeded the mandatory inputs for class. I had teachers who encouraged me and helped me realize that I was good at things and that I was an intelligent and capable being. For the first time I looked forward to college and a career that would enable me to live well.

I was accepted to my top choice for colleges before I even graduated, but a week before I was set to leave home, my family found out that my mother had a matured form of cancer. Family has always been a first to me, so I stayed home to care for my six brothers and sisters, so that my parents would not have to deal with them on top of everything else. After about six months, it was decided I would go to a college nearer by, one that is half an hour from where I live now. While I was away, my mother grew worse, and passed away. I decided to drop out of college. Despite how well I had done in high school, I wasn't emotionally ready to continue my education.

Since then, I have found work in retail. In the first job, I was quickly promoted to Assistant Manager, and I found that I loved the idea of goals that must be met and even more, that I was good at it. After a time, I found work at an other shop that would pay more but keep me in the current position. At this place, I had more people to help organize and there were more obstacles that I had to overcome. I learned that I love directing people, having a certain weight on my shoulders, and being a problem solver, on top of having goals to meet and so forth. These are things that I hope to look forward to in any job, as they give me a sense of accomplishment and make me feel, along with the will to go beyond the basic duties and goals, that I am not dispensable.

I am enrolled in graphic design. There are many things that one can do with a degree in this field, and I am not all together sure what I would like to use it for. I do know that I love creating pieces, with the use of textures and colouring and photos and nearly anything else under the sun, that are more artistic than sensible. Even so, I am looking for a degree that will help me find a good job that will not only allow me to support myself and what family I may have, but also allow me to have a successful and fulfilling career.

In the mean time, I live with my boyfriend of three years, and spend a lot of time with his family. I belong to a few communities online, some of which I write on, and one whose sole purpose is to help you learn how to make graphics on photoshop. Besides writing, I like to knit and read, and I am trying to learn how to play the bass guitar. I also love many forms of music and video games. I am excited to back in school, and I wish everyone luck on this term, and the ones ahead!

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