Friday, March 6, 2009

So I just applied to college, at Art Institute Pittsburg, their online section. It's weird because I got a call from this girl this morning, where I was half dead, half asleep, and then here I am a few hours later applied to a college. It's weird how they get things moving, eh? But I'm excited. It's school, and I miss school. I miss having a goal to meet and the feeling that I'm moving forward, toward something. Something that can get me somewhere else. I miss feeling successful. I miss succeeding. It's a sad thing, to be in this perpetual state of stillness, to not really have any goals I'm meeting other than those set for sites I'm on. But fifteen years down the road, those goals won't matter so much. I want goals that will still matter fifteen, twenty, fourty years down the road. I want goals set up for success. I want to be looked up to and I want to have people running to me to approve things and find out what we're supposed to do about this and that and I want to be one of the pit stops on the way to a completed project. I want to be a big factor in the chain of how things are done and I want to leave my mark. I'm excited to be moving again.

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