Monday, September 14, 2009

So a few weeks ago I recieved a call that I'd won all this bridal stuff (I'm not even engaged!) like my choice of honeymoon trips and a ton of stuff for my nonexistent wedding and all that jazz. I called Zeb and told him everything I could have grasped, and he told me to check it out, because it might be a scam. I looked it up, and apparently it was.

Today, just fifteen minutes ago, I got a call from some guy telling me I was a runner up for the Publishers Closing House Sweepstakes, to which I replied that I don't even buy lottery tickets. He went on to tell me that I didn't need to buy lottery tickets because that's a never ending hole and no one would ever count all those, then also that all I needed to do was visit a website that sponsored the sweepstakes or order a magazine to even be submited. After that he started talking about Greenville and asking how I liked it, and at the beginning of the call he said it was a long distance call. So I was like, 'How is this guy just chatting me up when he said this is long distance?'

Then he proceeded to ask me which of the four major credit cards served me best. I said I didn't have a credit card, and he said, 'Well I don't either, that's not a bad thing', as if I'd somehow offended him. Then he says, 'You must have a debit card, what is the credit card mentioned on that?' I told him to hold on and asked Zeb about it, and Zeb said I should hang up, so I told the guy I had to go and did.

What the hell is with these people calling me and telling me I've won free stuff?!? It's really annoying because what if I someday do really win something awesome and free, I won't believe them and won't even get it! D:

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