Friday, August 14, 2009

sam worthington ... *giggle*

While I am on Blogger, and have no muse whatsoever for class, I thought I would bring to your attention the September (and heavenly anointed) issue of Esquire Magazine. An other all star cover and article by one of my favourite magazines. I even forgot to highlight last month's (Gerard Butler - *drool*) Three words - yeah he is, said in a very 'Can he be any hotter?' Chandler-like tone..

Sam Worthington- known to most of you as Marcus Wright, the character who blew 'superstar' Christian Bale's John Connor out of the water, and anyone's minds who had him pegged for their next movie (thank the Lord omg - he only has one movie that's been publically announced so far) ... You will see him next in Avatar, then Clash of the Titans - he's even getting Captain Nemo in 2,000. And of course, the roles will keep coming. That thing sort of happens when a 'great' like James Cameron pegs you as the best actor of all time or such.

Anyway, I can't be on too much longer - I do have a deadline for homework, after all. But please, please check out the article on this guy - I don't know why, but I just adore him. He's awesome. He makes me want to send him out to dig a hole or do something else that will get him dirty then show him off to all the girls in the town and say, 'Look at this guy - he's hot and he isn't pretty like that thing you call a 'man' you've got on your arm'. I dunno - I have a thing for guys who can be dirty. I guess I like to be more delicate than the guy I'm with? *Shrugs*. Anyway - he's awesome, just check him out <3>
And yay! A new Sam Worthington website!!! One of the best - he might just beat out Hugh Jackman for my Jon XD

(picture of a dirty sam worthington in titans - woo!!!)

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