Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Far Cry Two

So I am watching Zeb play Far Cry 2. The game takes place in Africa and I don't know too much more about it than that. The graphics are pretty good though - some objects look a little flat and I do not really appreciate the realistic looking roaches. All in all though, the graphics are like an updated Grand Theft Auto 4. I really like how people move - it isn't exactly Assassin's Creed, but it is way more lifelike than any other game I have played so far. Just looking at it, I would say it is a decent buy. Don't know much about the story, but my boyfriend likes it so far, and that says something about the basic attractiveness of the game. I would have to say that we are a bit spoiled by AC1, so it is a little difficult to play games that have lesser graphics and actually not complain about it.

BTW, I rented Devil May Cry 4 last night, and I have to say I was not impressed - sadly. I had somewhat high hopes for it, but was pretty disappointed, which is probably my fault since I didn't do any research on it except asking a friend if he liked it and not digging further. The camera angles are very Resident Evil, the cinematics so so, and the overall realisticness is somewhere between Aladdin's pre Christ parkour skills, and Snow White talking to animals. Also, the icky looking villain guys that are everywhere look like something from Spy Kids, and I absolutely abhor the way a gun makes you stay in the air when you shoot it.

Other Great Aspects of FC2 ...
  • When you go to sleep, you not only get to set your watch, but while you sleep, you get to watch the outside of your safe house change with the time. Really cool effect.
  • The driving is really realistic. You can look around, and you can pull out your map, and it's just really nice.
  • You can also drive a boat, which is like REALLY neat. I am seriously a major sucker for the nifty fun little things in games.... : D

Only Cons So Far ...
  • You cannot holster your weapon or put it away save upon entering a safe house or a gun shoppe.
  • I am pretty sure you can only be a guy ... sexist bastards ^.^

Other than that, great game so far. What to look out for next ... well, I might be seeing TRANSFORMERS, REVENGE OF THE FALLEN *MANICSQUEAL* tomorrow, so yeah expect a energized fan girl version of a post : D

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