Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Louboutin cuts a great shoe. I haven't really ever been huge on footwear - I mean, I like shoes, but when I shop for some it is not with the intent of getting a really great piece. I always shop for something that can go with a lot of things that are all ready in my wardrobe. It is the same for everything I buy. I always work it in.

Thanks to a friend of mine, though, I have been re-introduced to the world of fashionable footwear, and this time around I like it a lot more. The newer cuts that are coming out, with the chunkier look and then thin heel, and then the turn of the century booties, are absolutely spectacular. At first, I looked at them like O.o what? Because I thought they looked ridiculous. But now, I am absolutely in love. I don't have any that are really like them, save for one pair my sister just recently gave me. They're similar, but not the same. I guess it is still difficult for me to purchase something that won't blend easily with things I all ready have.

I think that my favourite Louboutin I have seen so far has to be the three strap mary janes, shown here. They're gorgeous. Their straps would hold them steady to my feet, and the colour is beautiful. I think I like them because they would blend into my wardrobe well, but at the same time they're a definite statement. Just spectacular : )

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